Friday, January 28, 2011

Submit for your consideration: a mascot. One who is perhaps a little late in coming to the race and yet is by no means inferior and is in fact superior to those who have come before. He is a man whose normal pronunciation leaves the mind spinning in a whirlwind of diction possibilities, with a voice that can hardly be ignored. There's a campaign sign up ahead you're entering... the torrid zone.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quantums Takes a Trip

Hi my friends! I recently took an exciting trip around the world and I thought I'd share some of my experiences with you!

On my trip I managed to see all manner of exciting things! Though everything started up hill, a lot of fun was had by all.

See the promise over every horizon!

Look out! Exotic creatures everywhere!

I even got to try my hand at the local artwork!

Not to mention see the local hotties... ;)

And finally, I returned in style!

What more adventures will I have? One can never know!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

for the lolz

So, this blog has been a little too somber for my taste of late, what with the fierce competition over guild mascot.

And thus I present an Ice Valkyrie on a too small flying machine

Monday, January 24, 2011

It is time.

So, Order of the Triad has accomplished (or attempted) the following:

Two manning The Temple of Ahn Qiraj, home to an Old God.
Five manning Black Temple, home to Illidan and that GODDAMN FACE.
Heroic Vortex Pinnacle, home to those F'IN TORNADOES.

Clearly, we have quite a pedigree. Now, however, we may require a little more organization. So, for all of the Order members who want to get in on our epic adventures, here is your chance! I am going to be organizing coordinated attacks on the largest bastions of evil that Azeroth has known, and all level appropriate (or higher!) characters are invited! First stop: Molten Core!

All players will people of level 60 or higher are invited to join, though keep in mind that the lower level you are, the squishier you will be to these giant hungry fire elementals. Expect to put in at least 2 hours, with breaks given of course, to culminate in taking down that most ferocious of flaming fiends, Ragnaros!

Post in the comments section if one of your characters is interested, and if you are free anytime this weekend to raid Molten Core! Thanks for being a part of our collective World of Warcraft Experience!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Vote Lil' Raggy!

The RoboRising (TM) Arises!

Lil XT and his army of Cat Warriors stand assembled, proud and ready to secure the future of Order of the Triad. He sincerely hopes you will cast your vote for the strong, logical, and dispassionate robot ruler mascot rather than the competition. Otherwise, unfortunate things may happen to your fleshy, mortal bodies.

Lil XT: Reminding you that tiny robots will never threaten to stab you, and in fact, cannot speak.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Army Assembles!

For those who call XT soft on crime, picture this:

Fleets of proto-drakes, answerable only to Lil' XT. All for your security. All for the price of one vote. And what will happen to those drakes if XT doesn't win, I wonder...

Lil XT. He does what he must, because he can.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Up with the robotariat!

Are you tired of being downtrodden by fiery overlords?
Are you sick of immortal fire bosses controlling all of your means of production?
Do you want a candidate for guild mascot who actually moves?

Look no further, huddled masses! Lil XT is here for you! Above, see him giving a campaign speech to similar minded, and similar sized, citizens of Azeroth. The other candidate, Evil Firelord Ragnaros, currently wages war on the beautiful scenery of Mount Hyjal, caused endless doom to dwarven cities, and made many 40-person groups cry themselves to sleep.

XT promises that, as guild mascot, he will not, repeat not, burn you in your sleep. So, remember, when voting time comes, cast your vote for the rise of the Robotariat: Vote Lil' XT!