Our welcome to this central platform was a calm walk around the circle followed by aggroing every monster in the room at once. We still are unsure of how this occurred, but it made for my second favorite moment of the raid (following downing Arthas) as Colgentleman and myself (Quantums) kept the raid alive through a ridiculous sortie in which more and more mobs just kept coming.

Following this swath of undead death, we plowed onwards through the most obnoxious mobs it has ever been our displeasure to meet (those damned dogs). These coagulated conglomerates of rotting flesh and gnawed bone stack a debuff that reduces healing on the tank while they summon adds that stack a debuff that increases damage taken. To top it off, the dog at some health percentage reduces everyone in the raid to 10% health instantly. This was bad enough when that meant you had 50,000 health to heal back up through, but at Sgthatred's 200k + health, that's a LOT of mana to heal up, not to mention the rest of the raid that is also taking damage. Fortunately we got through both of these without too much trouble.
We then entered the Plagueworks where Hubert J Farnsworth awaited us with a few of his creations. To the left lies Festergut so named because this... thing... tends to fester the gut just by looking at it. Also it causes people to explode on occasion. Basically, though, this fight is a no brainer against a fighter with no brain. Stand in the plague gas (you cant avoid it) and watch out for... well we never figured the technicalities out, but mostly we just killed Festergut posthaste.

Next up is his/her/it's twin, Rotface (rather self explanatory really). Amid many a "good news!" from the dear professor, this fight is yet another tank and spank, provided that no one stands in the ooze. There are little slimes that tend to combine to big slimes, but our dps was so ferocious and our heals (if I do say so myself) so good that we were able to ignore them.

Once those two were dead we went to Professor Putricide's place, just up the ramp and - actually we had forgotten to open the two valves guarded by the abominations, so we had to go back and open them. However, we finally made our way into the corridor with those damn bugs we all know and love.

After an interminable period of those damn bugs, we finally got in to see the professor. His lab is the center from which all of the scourge plague comes. As the fight begins, he announces that he has perfected a plague that will destroy all life of Azeroth. Fortunately for Azeroth, we were there to face him!

With Pookymancer turned into a giant abomination for the purpose of drinking up green goo and belching it at various slimes (this place is, as a rule, disgusting), we faced off against the professor and his three phases. First we went back and forth between slime spawners and dpsed down the adds as best we could (mostly they didn't do TOO much damage). Keeping out of the slime was a must. Second, he grew tentacles and the fight continued! Finally, he morphed into a freaky tentacle thing at which point it became a dps race. We are good at dps races.

And so, we defeated the crazy Professor Hubert "Putricide" Farnsworth whose mad science had finally caused him to go too far. Oh science and your sciency ways, what will you come up with next? We may never know, but the next that the evil evilness of the Ice Crown Citadel had to throw at us was the Crimson Hall, lair of the blood prince council and home to the blood queen vampire gone twilight, Lana'thel. Read on in The Order Rocks ICC: Part 3!
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